Brak produktów.


New walls on Skowronia St.

It was a perfect time for "Sandwich" walls.

Beautiful weather and a well-coordinated team - this is a recipe for efficient unloading and assembly of next elements from MABUDO, which were just stood at the construction site of the 4th Skowronia investment stage in Krakow. Now it's time for the next walls - it's important to stick to the plan and make it just before the colder months.

Kup projekt domu z katalogu MABUDO za POŁOWĘ ceny! Odbierz atrakcyjny rabat na wybrane domy z naszego najnowszego katalogu domów typowych. Promocja obowiązuje w dniach 21-23.02.2020.
Szczegóły promocji w Biurze Sprzedaży