Brak produktów.


MABUDO brings
30 years of

Mabudo - history and the future


Poland government established Company Fadom, producing up to 4,000 homes per annum.


End of communism in Poland - renamed MABUDO in private ownership. Diversified into many different prefabricated products.


Acquired Swedish technology, enabling offsite manufacturing of “Sandwich panels” together with other house-building components.


Investment in research and development in conjunction with Polish and International academics to develop high quality panels with high levels of thermal and noise insulation.

  • Assembly teams refined to improve efficiency in on site build.

  • MABUDO RAPID® system for multi storey buildings and family houses is developed.

MABUDO ACQUIRED BY URBA GROUP bringing together the best of off-site manufacturing and onsite construction management. URBA architects design new set of new standard projects to optimize MABUDO technology.  MABUDO invests in the improvement of production facilities and drives increased productivity. Sales and marketing drives domestic and international sales, which grow by 300%. Ongoing development to extend use of MABUDO technology.

Mabudo today

Original production site on 8 acres in Lodz Central Poland. Employs 190 factory workers, 40 assembly workers, 10 structural engineers, 30 finance, sales and admin staff, and enhanced by URBA staff – 30 architects, 15 project managers, 10 sales and marketing and 35 general contracting employees who work extensively with MABUDO.  In the next two years we are going to build an addition to the existing factory to quadruple the current factory capacity. The new factory is being designed to be largely automated, therefore less labor intensive.

Mabudo - the future

Continued investment in capital equipment: to increase efficiency and output, and to keep pace with growing demand in the immediate future. New production facility planned for existing site and adjacent site to be acquired for further expansion. New site being considered for “low tech” products to move closer to south Poland Krakow to free up capacity. Further international expansion beyond current markets as enquiries demonstrate demand with a growing acceptance that modular construction has many advantages. Now operating in Sweden, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Luxemburg.

Clients about MABUDO

Kup projekt domu z katalogu MABUDO za POŁOWĘ ceny! Odbierz atrakcyjny rabat na wybrane domy z naszego najnowszego katalogu domów typowych. Promocja obowiązuje w dniach 21-23.02.2020.
Szczegóły promocji w Biurze Sprzedaży